Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tea at TWG

Let me introduce all of you to Nat. She's my bestest friend since NIE (although we were supposed to have known each other in JC) and Tiffy's Godma. Her husband's Kugan and very aptly Tiffy's Godpa.

SO. We were playing a game of Words with Friends (as usual, our daily battle against each other) when she said that she was at TWG at ION Orchard having tea and cake. Here I am, stuck to my Siamese twin Tiffy in a bid to nurse her back to nap, stomach growling and mouth watering at the very thought of tea and cake. So I asked Nat to tapow some tea and cake for me. I was kidding lah. And to my HORROR (not), she has left.

Okay, yes, I'm kinda bored. So here's my reply to Nat using Whatsapp:

I was kiddin. But yes, I'm still envious. I fantasize popping Tiffy into my slingalingaling and popping us together into a cabbycabbycab and riding it down to townytownytown and going up to TWG for tea and cakeycakeycake and going yummyyummyyum. Sigh. Pipe dream.

Just fantasizing. In reality, I'll be too lazy to pack the diaper bag, and prep Tiffy for a long trip down town just for tea and cake. Besides, it's almost dinner time now.

Uh oh, the Queen Bee has woken up and no amount of nursing would keep her asleep. It's time for singing and playing and reading (and pottying and diaper-changing) now!

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